[Quick Hint] Suspend VM monitoring in Patrol with REST call

There are situations when your workflow will have to restart a VM. This post shows a way to disable VM monitoring in Patrol using a simple REST call. This way your monitoring team will not get a false positive alarm and you will avoid unnecessary emails 😉 Disable VM Monitoring: Once you are done with …

Running Tripwire Security Scan with REST call

I was asked to initiate Tripwire Scan on all VMs deployed by vRealize Automation. This requirement was an issue raised by compliance audit finding. After some talks to Tripwire team, we decided on an approach to assign a tag to a host in Tripwire this will force initial VM scan. VM is registered in Tripwire …

[Quick Hint] How to get vRealize Orchestrator Scripting.log

If you want to debug a failing action on custom form. There is no other way to do that, but to get access to vRO Scripting.log file. But how can we do that if vRO is now hosted in container running in a pod? Start by logging in to you vRA instance with SSH. Once …

Running Ansible Tower Job with REST API

In vRealize Automation 8.x we have out of the box integration for Ansible and Ansible Tower directly build in in to a Cloud Templates designer. Still there is a way to run this integration as a part of EBS subscription. This way you will be able to detect any single Job failure and decide if …

Automatic disk resizing in vRA8 during deployment

In this post I described how to build a blueprint with multiple disk devices for MS Windows deployment. Now my Linux colleagues want a single disk with multiple LVM Virtual Groups on it. Based on this same disk form input as for Windows deployment of course. The plan is to create one disk with a …

vRealize Automation 8 Rest API How To

In this blog post we will crate a set of actions which will allow us to run any vRA8 REST call. vRealize Automation 8 Swagger documentation can be found under url: https://<vra-server-hostname>/automation-ui/api-docs/ You can find all vRA services here. In this example we will run a request to get all vRA deployments form Deployment service:

[Quick Hint] Input parameters in vRealize Orchestrator 8 payload

Input paraments are available in vRO8 payload only in very early stages of deployment. For example you can easily get them in Deployment requested stage as a vRO8 payload in inputProperties variable But what if you want to have access to your inputs data later in deployment process? You can of course make a REST …

Multiple Disks in vRA8 Blueprint

For MS Windows deployments I’m adding a multiple disks to a VM. This way I hope to be able to add second day operation for disk expiation directly on a device, which should improve user experience. The question is how to create disks input and then how to translate this in to multiple devices of …

Adding PowerShell Server to vRO 8 with Kerberos Authentication

If like me, you still have to use SCCM for windows deployment automation, then you will be forced to add PowerShell Server endpoint to your vRealize Orchestrator. This is the only way I know of interacting with SCCM and SCOM 🙁 Additionally windows colleagues wont make it easy for us and force us to use …

[Quick Hint] How to Restart vRealize Orchestrator 8.x

As we all know vRO 8 is now a pod in new vRA 8 deployment. In the past when i wanted to restart vRO service i had several options. VAMI on port :5480 had a restart button, commands service vco-server restart and service vco-configurator restart on cli console or in case of external vRO even …