[Quick Hint] Working with AD in vRO with plugin and ldapClient

There are two ways to get data form AD in vRealize Orchestrator with plugin and with ldapClient. Native ldapClient is much more powerful but also a bit more complicated in use. In this short post I’ll show you how to use both. First we will find user email for a known user account name and …

[Quick Hint] Suspend VM monitoring in Patrol with REST call

There are situations when your workflow will have to restart a VM. This post shows a way to disable VM monitoring in Patrol using a simple REST call. This way your monitoring team will not get a false positive alarm and you will avoid unnecessary emails 😉 Disable VM Monitoring: Once you are done with …

[Quick Hint] How to get vRealize Orchestrator Scripting.log

If you want to debug a failing action on custom form. There is no other way to do that, but to get access to vRO Scripting.log file. But how can we do that if vRO is now hosted in container running in a pod? Start by logging in to you vRA instance with SSH. Once …

[Quick Hint] Input parameters in vRealize Orchestrator 8 payload

Input paraments are available in vRO8 payload only in very early stages of deployment. For example you can easily get them in Deployment requested stage as a vRO8 payload in inputProperties variable But what if you want to have access to your inputs data later in deployment process? You can of course make a REST …

[Quick Hint] How to Restart vRealize Orchestrator 8.x

As we all know vRO 8 is now a pod in new vRA 8 deployment. In the past when i wanted to restart vRO service i had several options. VAMI on port :5480 had a restart button, commands service vco-server restart and service vco-configurator restart on cli console or in case of external vRO even …

[Quick Hint] Disable and Enable of vRA7 Services with vRO workflow

If you need to prevent people form deploying new VMs during a certain times. For example when one of your vRA third-party services are being backup and is offline. The easiest way to achieve this is to disable the services that contain catalog items which you want to prevent form being deployed.